Thanks for visiting my website.  I have set up this place so that I can share with the world, independently from tech providers such as social media sites.  Believe it or not, I have had this site online since before social media was even a thing.

Photos, articles, and personal news from me can be found here.

A lot of what was once here on this site years ago is now gone, but I am reviving and rebuilding this space where no one will block, censor or moderate what I post.  If you disagree with something that I have to say please feel free to make your own opinion known, and I know that sometimes I can be wrong, or mistaken.

The free and open exchange of information and opinion is important to me.  I try to keep an open mind and consider what others have to say.  Yes, I still have several social media accounts:  I have put links to those here as well.

Some of the things you see here will have been reposted or reprinted from other sources.  Such content does not necessarily reflect my own opinion or belief, but is presented in the context of education and free information exchange.  No copyright infringements are intended, and any reposting or reprinting of any content is intended to be presented under the "fair use" doctrine.

A little background about me:

I was born in Lancaster and have spent most of my life in the small town of June Lake. Extensive road trips have given me the opportunity to explore throughout California  and brought a profound appreciation for the unparalleled beauty and diversity within the geography of this state:   however, the high mountains and desert areas east of the Sierra Nevada and into the western part of the state of Nevada is where I call home.


As a spiritual being enjoying the human experience, I have had a very interesting life so far.  Over more than half a century I have been involved in technology, operating a small cable TV system in June Lake, and more recently up to the present, providing internet and network services.  I also have done a lot of photography, and I had a one-hour photo processing shop (just before the emergence of digital cameras and smartphones).  I've done some programming, web development and graphic design.  I have had experience in automotive and mechanical endeavors, as well as having worked with a general contractor, learning a variety of trades.  For several years I was the electrician for June Mountain Ski Area.  I was a dock attendant and small engine mechanic for the Gull Lake Marina, and for twenty winter seasons I was involved in Ski and Snowboard instruction.  I have also worked in various food and beverage service capacities including barista, pizza chef and breakfast cook, culminating with the operation of my own sandwich and pizza shop for over fifteen summer seasons.  I have served my community as an officer in the local Lions Club and Chamber of Commerce, and in government as a County Planning Commissioner.  I even wrote a weekly newspaper column for a while, and I have had articles published in nationally circulated magazines.  I've enjoyed many outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, snowboarding, waterskiing and wakeboarding.

My dear mother recently passed away due to cancer of the pancreas, so I am currently spending my days looking after my dad, who is reaching the age of 90 years in 2021.  Although he suffered a mild stroke a few years ago and is showing signs of dementia, he is still a good companion and continues to bring me inspiration and joy as he has all my life.  I also have a wonderful daughter and a fine son-in-law who have graced me with two beautiful granddaughters.

Submitted by dan on